Tips for packing your luggage for Hawaii Vacation

Hawaii stands as one of the topmost preferred vacationing places worldwide. It is the culture, which is quite rich, and Hawaiian people are very welcoming. So it will not take long before you get used to the place. The other thing that makes people love Hawaii is the excellent vacationing spots. I mean from the world-class beaches great for surfing, volcanoes, rainforests, and the islands, to name a few.

So, you can never get bored or regret vacationing in this rich land. One way to make sure that you enjoy your stay in Hawaii is by carrying everything you will need for the trip. Many people are overwhelmed when it comes to packing as they don't want to under-pack or even carry unnecessary items that will fill their luggage bags. So, depending on how long you stay in Hawaii and the seasons you go vacationing (summer or spring), pack everything you will need.

What do you need to pack your luggage?

Of course, you need a large luggage bag to fit all your vacation items. Consider how many days you will stay there, the activities to carry out, and the season. With all these in mind, you will be able to choose the right luggage bag for your essentials. If you are going hiking, make sure you have a good backpack for hiking.

Must have items when packing for Hawaii vacation

  • A reef-safe sunscreen or sunscreen swimwear

Sunscreen is a must-have item when going on any vacation. The last thing you want is to go back home with sunburns all over your body. Sunscreen helps to protect your skin from the harsh direct UV rays while in the ocean, swimming, or hiking. We recommend reef-safe sunscreen due to the marine animals' safety.

The Hawaiin government is very cautious about marine animals like turtles as they can easily be affected by toxic chemicals. If you feel wearing sunscreen is a lot of trouble, supplement it with UV-treated swimwear. These swimwear helps block a high percentage of UV rays getting to your body. So, you will need to apply sunscreen on the face, hands, and legs.

  • Teck-T shirts

Tech T-shirts come in handy when going for Hawaii hikes or visiting the islands. These are T-shirts that wick away sweat to keep you dry and cool while enjoying the nature in Hawaii. Hawaii weather can be pretty hot, and this T-shirt will help you enjoy the outdoors.

  • Water shoes

 Hawaii has different beaches where some have sand on the shores, and others have rocky entrances. As much as it is comfortable walking on sandy beaches barefoot, we can't say the same thing about the beaches with rock entrances. Therefore, if you plan to visit various beaches, make sure to have your water shoes in hand for comfort.

  • Swim accessories

Swim accessories do not only have to be swimsuits and bikinis. It would help if you also carry your safety gear as well. If you are traveling with kids and do not want to spend extra money to buy safety swimwear like lifesaver jackets, goggles, or masks, carry yours from home.

 Tips for packing your luggage for Hawaii

Getting the right travel bag is one thing but ensuring you don't leave back anything you may require for your vacation, here are tips to help you pack your luggage.

Create packing list

The first tip we will give you is to have a packing list that will guide you in packing. Although you already know what you need for your vacation, too much excitement or anxiety may make you over-pack or under-pack. The last thing you want is to spend extra money buying items you already have because you forgot them at home. Write down what you need for the trip in categories in the packing list.

 For example, everything you will need for the beach, sleeping, clothes to wear when touring around, etc. Then list down the kind of clothes you have to fit these categories, and if you need to buy any items, you require for the trip, write them down. Another thing is that while packing, make sure to mark the items that you add to the luggage bag to avoid confusion.

Consider carrying rolling clothes.

Instead of folding your clothes the usual way, roll them. Rolling clothes reduces their size, which means that you will create more space to accommodate more items in the luggage bag. This is also a good packing tip for someone who wants to travel with a backpack since you will carry everything you need in the backpack.

Do you have wrinkle-free clothes?

We have indicated this tip below the top because you need such clothes. Clothes that easily wrinkle will still form some wrinkles when you roll them. Therefore, how about you carry clothes that do not readily wrinkle from your closet to avoid this. Check the tags on your clothes since most manufacturers indicate if the clothes are prone to wrinkle or not easily. For any clothes that do not readily wrinkle, consider packing them mainly if it suits your vacation needs and the season in Hawaii.

Packing cubes area a win

Packing cubes come in handy when maximizing the space in the luggage bags and keeping your clothes in order. These are storage bags made in a cubical design such that you can arrange a few clothes to store in them before dipping them into the significant luggage bag. These bags are compact, which means that they will keep your clothes in a compact space to save storage space in the luggage bag.

They also make access to packaged items easy since you don't need to go through all the clothes to find your bikini or underwear. You can mark the packing cubes for easy access to what you have stored. Lastly, it is essential to note that these packing accessories are made of different materials. Some are made with plastic to view what is packaged in them quickly. Check out some designs at to get ideas.

Get a trailing socket.

Instead of carrying all your charging cables for the devices, you plan to tag on your trip, invest in a trailing socket. Trailing sockets are made with multiple device plugs, and some come with extra-long cords. So, you can get space for charging up to 5 of your gadget at once. This helps save storage space and even loss as you may forget to pack some of the chargers from either home or in Hawaii.

Also, keep in mind the trailing socket comes in different plug sizes, so you can choose from 3 to 5 charging sockets, depending on the number of gadgets you have.

Buy an overnight bag for your trip.

An overnight bag is crucial when traveling and while in Hawaii. Let's be honest; you will need to keep your small essentials like phone, lip balm, tissues, handkerchiefs, and other small essentials you may need while on the plane. So, this bag can carry these items. While in Hawaii, you can use the bag to carry your essentials like money when touring around as it is small and comfortable. They also come in different designs, so find a bag that you feel will be comfortable carrying around.

Pack multifunctional clothes

Instead of packing clothes that you will wear when touring around and maybe when having your meals, how about you pack clothes that you can wear for different functions. Everyone has versatile clothes that fit perfectly for different occasions and seasons. So, when you plan to visit Hawaii, pack clothes that you can wear more than once to save space. Do the same for shoes!

 For example, if you know you will not wear high heels, pack cute and comfortable wedge shoes that you can rock when going for tours and when going for dinner dates with family. Sandals are also great for the beach and for walking around the streets. Do you plan to go hiking while vacationing? Well, consider buying sandals that you can also wear for a hike!

Pack neutral colors

We all know how hard it is to match bright colors with shoes for different occasions. So, pack neutral colors to easily match your clothes to look still fancy and feel beautiful. Neutral colored shoes match most clothes and this, in return, minimizes the number of clothes to carry. If you do not have a lot of neutral shoes, you can supplement them with clothes. Pack neutral clothes that will match well with your colorful shoes.

Pack only what you want

Why pack a fur coat when you are going for a Hawaii vacation in the summer season? It will only take up much space, yet you will not need to use it. If you are traveling with your kids, don't tag all their toys along for the trip as they will take a lot of space yet; probably, they will not need them while in Hawaii. You can pick one compact toy they like to keep them busy on the plane and carry around while touring Hawaii.

Test your luggage bag

This is important as you will be practicing how you will be carrying your luggage bag on the plane and when boarding a taxi to get to the hotel. It would help if you had a bag that is not too bulky such that you will not strain to drag it at the airport, and it is also good to practice how you will carry your bag around. If the luggage bag feels too bulky to carry, you may evaluate the kind of clothes you have packed and probably change them or remove the ones that are not that crucial for the trip.


If you are planning for a solo or even a family trip to Hawaii, these are the top tips to help you pack your essentials. It is crucial to plan for the trip earlier. Create a list that will help you pack items you need, and if there are items that you do not have and yet you may require on the trip, make sure to buy them earlier. Purevave is a brand specialized in travel supplies, you can visit  and choose some products you need. 

Another thing we would like to outline is researching Hawaii, mainly the place you plan to stay. Know about the area, weather, and the perfect place suitable for you and your family or to stay for your vacation. This will help you know what to pack for the weather and the areas.

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