Tips for Planning Your International Travel

Traveling is a priceless activity you can do as a human being as it allows you to see different parts of the world and meet new people. Travelling allows you to experience other places and inspires different ideas about life, thus changing your outlook on life.

This blog post is for you if you're looking to plan a trip to Europe or Asia, Malaysia, India, South America, or anywhere on earth soon and don't know where to start. In this blog post, we'll be discussing the most critical aspects of planning a trip abroad. You'll learn tips for saving money, saving a lot of time by booking in advance, and what kind of visa or passport you need for your destination. Here are some valuable tips to help you start planning international travel.

Step 1: Choose Your Destination

The first step when planning your international travel is choosing your destination. Pick the country that interests you most, and then find out more information about that country's visa requirements.

You go to the official website of your chosen country and look up the laws that apply to your country. This is a very crucial step as will give you an idea of what kind of visa you will need for your trip. Once you know the requirements for your country, you can choose which country you would like to visit next, and it will be easier for you to plan the rest of your trip.

Your destination in the given country can be a beach, city, countryside, mountain climbing, game reserve, beach, etc. Check the requirements in that location. For example, choosing a beach destination will have special necessities like seafood, clothing, and equipment.

Step 2: Check Travel Advisories 

Check the travel advisories before you begin to plan your chosen destination. Many countries will offer travel advisories on their websites, and these can help prepare you for what to expect during your trip. Advisories will give you details of the safety in the destinations. The officers will tell you if there are suspicions of terrorism, civil unrest, natural disasters such as tornados, tsunamis, etc. For example, US department of travel advisories restrains travelers from going to destinations in level 4 and more.

Step 3: Know Your Budget

Once making decision regarding destination, you can go online and find exactly how much it will cost to get there. You can enter the airport, transportation, and accommodation costs into a calculator to see how much you need.

You can get an idea of the cost by reading travel forums on the internet or by asking people who have been there before. Compare their ideas with what you've found online, and make sure your budget is realistic. You will also need a good amount of money for food, souvenirs for friends and family, and any souvenir gifts for your new friends you'll be meeting.

To make the correct budget, decide how long you will stay abroad: from 1 week to 3 months. Remember if you stay long abroad, you will spend more money. The time of the year also affects your budget. It's much more expensive to travel during Christmas or Easter than it is during other times of the year. Also, if you are traveling with your family and children, make sure that everyone's needs are included in your budget.

Step 4: Get Visa, Passport or both

Visa is an essential part of traveling. It is permission to your country for a certain period. The visa lasts for a particular period. In many countries, once you are done with your visa period or if you overstay, you will be sent back home or even jailed. For example, in UK and US, if you overstay for more than 2 months, it's illegal and they can send you back home easily.

Applying for your visa: You will need access before you travel. You must apply for your visa before you go abroad. Apply for your visa early to start planning your trip as soon as possible on the condition that you are eligible to get the visa. For many countries, they will only issue visas to people who have booked their tickets or if they pay in full.

Applying for a passport: You must have a passport before you leave. The passport is usually issued by the country's consulate or embassy in your area. It sometimes takes longer to get a passport if you're applying for it abroad, so apply as early as possible.

Step 5: Get Accommodation and Transport Plan

Once you've decided on your destination, the next step is finding a location you will stay and the method of transportation to get there. If you're planning a long-term trip, booking accommodation in advance is the best way. In this case, you will be able to find a place that suits your needs and budget. You'll want to research many different options before making a choice.

If you're traveling with little kids, they may need a place and things close by if they get sick or have a bad day. If you're traveling during peak season, it's best to choose a place that accepts all payment methods and has modern amenities like hot water, cable TV, and WI-FI.

Step 6: Booking flight

You can check flight time, destinations, and dates before you book. Check all the major airlines in the country you're traveling to before choosing one. Suppose you're planning on flying domestically instead of internationally. In that case, it's best to find out the cheapest way to get there by making sure that your booking includes the lowest price for transportation.

You can consider car rental, bus or train. If you're going to fly in one country, check the major airlines to see if they will go to the next destination. Check all routes and destinations available to you before booking. Depending on its schedule, you can also choose your flight, like early morning or late evening flights.

Step 7: Get Travel Insurance and Other Documents Ready

Before starting your trip to anywhere, you should check that all the documents are ready, including your passport, flight tickets, and vaccination certificates from your doctor. You must update these documents so that you don't find yourself in a situation where you can't get back to your home country.

Pocket-Friendly Travel Insurance: Many people think travel insurance is expensive, but this is not true. Travel insurance does not come with high premiums, and those who use the service save money. People must find out what type of policy they are buying. Travel insurance is a form of financial protection that provides coverage for unforeseen health costs and other losses.

You can compare different policies and find the one that suits your needs and budget. You will get a comprehensive policy with the right combination of health, accident, trip cancellation, baggage, and emergency assistance options, so you know your family will be protected in case of an emergency.

Lastly, make sure that you have thought about the kind of trip you are taking before booking. You should write down the destination and what you plan to do there. If your trip is one with a lot of stops and such, then you will need a lot of luggage space

Step 8: Pack It Up

Make sure that everything is packed in the case. Make sure that everything has its place in the suitcase or bag. You can pack it all up in one case or pack them in separate cases. You will also be able to buy all of your bags together if you are traveling in one country. You can save money and time if you buy them all together.

Traveling light? If you want to travel light and thinking of the most appropriate lightweight backpack, Purevave has the best travel bag for you. The brand retails lightweight packing cubes and affordable bags such as a travel backpack, toiletry bag, tech pouch, cosmetic bags that can accompany you on a long journey-their durable and sweatproof travel bag for traveling all year round in any weather.

Step 9: Planning safe, comfortable trip

Planning all these things are important and then it's time for you to make those preparative for your trip abroad. Once you have all the planning steps done, check on the required amount of money that will be essential for your trip.

Now it's time for you to start thinking at least 2-3 weeks in advance. The first step is to let friends, family, and acquaintances know that you're traveling. Tell as many people as possible about your plans because once you've been abroad, it's more challenging to muster up the courage to tell your loved ones what happened.


Travel can be stressful, and planning can go a long way. It's worth doing proper research and be prepared for whatever comes your way. Use these tips to help you plan for your next adventure and have a safe, fun time wherever you go! Don't forget to check with Purevave for amazing travel adventures and tips.

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